24 Tools, Starter Kits & Boilerplates to Speed Up Your SaaS Development

JomLaunch Asia is all about helping out the indie SaaS developers and entrepreneurs in your entrepreneurship journey. So we will be sharing about tools and resources that will be helpful to you.

There are things that are common across all SaaSes. No matter what you are building, your SaaS will most likely be needing

  • User management for admin
  • Dashboard for your users
  • Profile page for your users
  • Authentication module which handles all the login, logout, forgot password.
  • Integration to payment and a way for admin to manage subscription and plans
  • A module to handle recurring payments, cancelation, charging credit cards

These features and modules are common among SaaS. And if you are planning on building one, maybe you have thought about all these.

If there is only a tool, template, boilerplate or starter kit that you can use to help speed up your development… Well there is. In fact there are 24. At least that is what I found.

We will be grouping these resources into two major groups, 1) language-based tools and 2) hosted solution (a SaaS themselves).

So here we go…

Language-based Starter Kits and Boilerplates


  1. Bullet Train. Commercial. https://bullettrain.co
  2. Rails Kits. Commercial. https://railskits.com/
  3. Sjabloon. Commercial https://www.getsjabloon.com/
  4. Jumpstart Rails. Commercial https://jumpstartrails.com/
  5. Kiso. Commercial. https://kiso.io/
  6. Maxiom App Starter Kit. Commercial https://www.maxiomapps.com/apps/application-starter-kit/
  7. Duplex. Commercial. https://www.hash32.com/products/duplex


  1. Launchr. Still in development. Open Source / Commercial https://launchr.io/
  2. SaaS Pegasus. Commercial. https://www.saaspegasus.com/
  3. SaaS Forge. Open Source. Paid modules and components coming soon. https://www.saasforge.dev/
  4. Djaodjin. Opens Source / Commercial. https://djaodjin.com/


  1. Gravity. React + Node.js SaaS starter kit. Commercial https://usegravity.app/
  2. Async Labs SaaS Boilerplate. Developed with NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, and more. Open Source. https://github.com/async-labs/saas


  1. Laravel Spark. Commercial. https://spark.laravel.com
  2. SaaSWeb. Commercial. https://codecanyon.net/item/saasweb-laravel-58-vue-saas-starter-kit/24302103
  3. Larakit. Laravel-based with integration with FastSpring, which is more friendly towards non-US companies. Commercial https://larakits.com/
  4. Wave. Laravel + Voyager SaaS starter kit. Commercial. https://devdojo.com/wave
  5. Innomatic. Free & commercial options. http://www.innomatic.io/


  1. SaaS Startup Kit. Open Source. https://saasstartupkit.com/


  1. ASP.NET Zero. One for the .NET developers. Commercial. https://aspnetzero.com/

Alpha Anywhere

  1. SaaS Core Framework. A plugin for Alpha Anywhere (low-code platform) for building multi-tenant SaaS. Commercial. http://www.saascoreframework.com/

Hosted Solution (SaaS-Boilerplate SaaS?)

I think this is some creative solution for SaaS developers out there. Of course you can use language-based boilerplates like the list above. But with the list down here, you can build a single-page-application (SPA) or a progressive web app (PWA) fully with HTML and Javascript, and then integrate with any of these three, and you have yourself a SaaS.

  1. Outseta. Provides a ton of other tools like helpdesk, email marketing, and livechat too. Charges by the number of contacts. https://www.outseta.com/ 
  2. MemberStack. Marketed to protect web pages on hosted CMS like Webflow, Wix, etc. But is also capable of supporting custom web apps as user management and payment integration. Charges a monthly fee plus transaction fee. https://www.memberstack.io/usecase/web-applications 
  3. Pabbly. You can subscribe to the Pabbly Subscription individually or the whole suite of products under Pabbly with includes Form Builder, and Email Marketing. They charge a fixed price for the number of users you have. Price starts at $9 per month. https://www.pabbly.com/subscriptions/

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

  1. I also built a SaaS Boilerplate with the React, Next JS, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS, find more information at: https://nextlessjs.com. Pre-built landing page components and pre-built user dashboard components. 100% Serverless hosted on AWS.

    I think it could be great to add it into the list. Send me an email if you need any help.


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